E-Motion 2.0 on Gaia
Feelings are real; negative, positive or something in between. They have a real impact on the mind and body. If you have ever wondered…
How to choose the right place and space.
If you are looking for a new place to live right now, I have two words for you, “I’m sorry.”
The Sawmill Market Re-Opening
So, I’m not sure if it should be called a re-opening or a formal opening as the Sawmill Market was only open for a couple of days before closing to the public because of COVID-19. It is, however, open once more and busy as ever.
Hello Libertarians, I get it.
WARNING: WHISTLE BLOWER POST. Not for the faint of heart nor easily manipulated.
A truly humbling experience.
A powerful voice and message. I am grateful to anyone and everyone who offered love and support through a rather ugly time in our…
Game of Thrones Final Predictions
Two episodes left! What will the world do without the battle for the Iron Throne? Since I have regular SPOILERS coming through my news…